Saturday, February 28, 2009
f-up saturday
friday night logan showed up at my place while I was drinking wine. we caught up on news and smoked a bong. he convinced me to go with him to the city. my place got a giant mess as we were leaving. I had to sleep in his sister's bed and in the morning had to deal with his ancient cousin who scared the fuck out of me because logan and his sister got me to smoke a bowl. I slammed the morning glory liquid and hung out around there for a while. the place is a total mess. then I went with logan to give people rides places. we dropped off his sister at work and ran errands with his aunt. everywhere we stopped I had to go and summon the sheast. it was all blue because of the wine. when we finnally made it back to his aunt's his other cousin was there and I had to wait for him to leave the bathroom so I could go in and evacuate. I barfed my false teeth into the shitter and had to sit there while the cousin, his girlfriend, thier friend and logan smoked bowls and watched tv. 2 of them were smoking cigarettes. then we left and logan took me home. 3 things I will never do again: smoke cigarettes, drink terrible morning glory shite that I fucked up an extraction on, and watch that damn idiot box = tv.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
regular a blog

things are pretty normal. work is getting busier, the weather's getting better, my media player list is expanding, and I take a little time each day to refresh my math skills as I plan on trying to go back to school to get myself off the bottom of the control pyramid and avoid being squished when it comes slamming down. a real woman has replied to my craigslist ad, and I just sent her my cell #. this might cause some upheaval in my life that could be good for me. beneficial upheaval is tough. you need the end results, but the intial initialization is wrought with anxiety and topped with hope and a sprinkling of the unknown. throw caution to the wind and good things might come your way. I'll be doing a little guitar work tonight, as I'm drinking some wine and that makes my fingers limber and loose to shred, slap, and gently caress 6 strings of my choice. I also noticed (as in these pics) that muay thai kickboxers like to wear shants (somewhere between shorts and pants) I just think shants are the coolest article of clothing ever invented.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
web page from hell

as everyone knows, I hate filling out forms and paperwork just about as much as I hate my keyboard. online forms then, get double hatred because I have to use the damn keyboard to fill out the fucking form. I just dealt with paychex and sent them a nasty comment including prophecies of economic collapse and depression, but no curse words as they would filter those out. so it's official, paychex is on my shit-list.
Friday, February 20, 2009
blog from work again
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
tab jackasses
I guess if you put a tab on the internet it has to be incomplete or have a warning on it that it is wrong orr you forgot part of it. fuck them, I'll play with my blog.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

my media player library just broke 6000 tracks and this is what my entertainment system looks like. imagine the wire mess behind and beneath this monstrosity! if you look very carefully, you can see me in the tv reflection taking the picture. notice a glass of chocohol on the sub and natural sunlight coming from the right side (window) I started drinking early. another 1 of a kind item is the auracle sticker on my record player.
Friday, February 13, 2009
friday the 13th!
it's a tough and rough day, but if you're a real hardcore badass, you can fix it. I was having a terrible day maybe because of the date, mybe because I forgot to take my vitamins this morning, but it all turned around after lunch. I started listening to nostradameus (euro-thrash) and Brenda asked me to fix a tape gun for her. the spring in the tape guide was in wrong, and I had to really maneuver it into place amongst the other parts of the device. successfully completing this, harm seemed to avoid me as I nannihilated the nannas. I even got shawn and myself out of cleaning room 22 by weighing a skid for none other than that mother-goddess of the warehouse, Brenda. after work I almost got run over while crossing the street on the way to walk my mom's dog. I went to make a drink and my cracked cup split for sure! FUCK! I didn't have any other worthy containers, so I drove to dollar tree with high hopes, low expectations, and a whole lot of determination (fueled by some euro-thrash). I looked for a while, dissatisfied with the glass selection until I found a clump of old dusty cups. among the neglected refuse of dollar tree's retired glass inventory, I blindly reached in and brought out none other than an EXACT copy of the glass that just broke!!! triumphant sun shines on the bloody blade of our conquering hero! all enemies torn asunder, battlefields bathed in blood, the sun rises on a new dawn of victory! i was flying on flaming wings of cold hard steel through the darkest night in the accursed lands of evil into a bright new day bathed in the enchanted morning sun of eternal beauty! so this picture is of the glasses.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
crappy movie warning
the following movies suck, but come from archives of good movies.
miyazaki's my neighbor totoro is his only bad movie. watch everything else. the whole sleepaway camp series is awesome! except for return to sleepaway camp. night of the demons sucks some major dildos, but the ending is worth sitting through the whole shitty movie. suspiria is the most annoying horror movie ever made. the sound effects sound like they were run through jimmy hendrix's guitar rig while all of the voices are whispered into a danelectro honeytone. I'll think of more suck movies that are total shite later.
miyazaki's my neighbor totoro is his only bad movie. watch everything else. the whole sleepaway camp series is awesome! except for return to sleepaway camp. night of the demons sucks some major dildos, but the ending is worth sitting through the whole shitty movie. suspiria is the most annoying horror movie ever made. the sound effects sound like they were run through jimmy hendrix's guitar rig while all of the voices are whispered into a danelectro honeytone. I'll think of more suck movies that are total shite later.
fuck the dvd burner
it's a piece of shit. that fucking thing is worse than this keyboard. I have to correct in the process of typing, then proof read and correct thousands of mistakes per post. you can imagine how bad the dvd burner is then. when i thought i was using it right, it gave me error messages and spat out the dvds with crap on them, but completely un-usable. that must be why shawn shoved it off on me is because it's a piece of computer (shit is just not a strong enough cuss word anymore). yes, computer is a word far worse than fuck, damn, shit, hell, cunt, nigger, porch monkey, dego, spic, or any other offensive word available because it can effect anyone, not just a certain gender or race. and it's expensive whereas shit is free and automatically created.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
fighting the new world order

I'm working on burning some alex jones dvds. shawn said he wants to do something about the sick fucks who are in power, knows I'm on the same page and didn't give me a choice. I was handed a dvd burner and told to go use it. I agreed to do all the computer tech stuff. he can talk to the congress people, politicians, and everybody else. when he does, he will have my computer work to back him up and not have to worry about that part of his plan. we could call it torrenting against tyranny, googling against globalization, stealing for sovereignty, etc.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
sleepaway camp!

watch the series, it's worth it! Angela makes it special by dispatching campers and counselors in creative ways. the 80's metal soundtrack helps too! also, check out the website. I haven't watched return to sleepaway camp yet, but it can't possibly be as awesome as #2 (my favorite). nice happy post in blood red for angela.
trouble getting started
this art thing isn't as easy as it would seem. the subject matter is the toughest part. this being winter, I can't draw outside, and I'm running out of still life ideas. second toughest is I don't remember how to give my pictures the presence that they used to have. my art skills have been neutered somehow, they don't have the balls that they used to. I guess all I can do is keep going and try to get better at everything.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
laundromat, center of discomfort

that's right, it's a necessary evil. here's a list of the shit that I have to put up with in that building. if you use one like it, you will understand.
screaming infants
wild toddlers running and screaming as well
"I want a snack, mommy!" toddler to parent, repeated for at least 30 minutes
response to above "no" or "if you shut up" shut up toddler will always become loud again
all tv sets on the spanish channel
stupid woman trying to use canadian currency
as I sit on a washer, someone loads the one next to it, regardless of the dozens of others available
the cieling splits and pours out water
the good dryer is taken and I am forced to pay to dry my clothing
the couple making out not even 5 feet away
the owner with his tracheostamy trying to talk to me
fucking place always looks empty from the outside, but upon entry, it's PACKED
more annoying kids
retard son of the woman using canadian currency stumbles stupidly around
no decent place to sit
more screaming children and scolding parents
more mexicans than you can shake a stick at
back in the fray!
Friday, February 6, 2009
bored? want to get eft? no contacts?

if you're a nothing master who likes to sit on the couch all the time, here's a fun activity:
step 1- get the following items (probably just sitting there useless like you)
coffee maker
ground nutmeg
step 2- prepare to make coffee as normal, but don't turn it on yet! first, add a shitload of nutmeg. doesn't matter how much, cover the top of the coffee grounds, don't want to see any black through the brown.
step 3- resume the usual coffee procedure and make sure to drink the whole pot. probably a good morning idea as at night, you might just sleep through the uber-stone or throw off your schedule (as if you had one) with all the caffeine.
step 4- don't have anything to do all day or night (shouldn't be too tough for you!) the next day you'll be back to whatever you call normal.
this is for nothing masters on the move! make sure it's weather you can walk in as you will walk. this is another morning idea.
step 1- get morning glory seeds: heavenly blue, flying saucers, pearly gates. we're aiming for 300 seeds per psychonaut. tell the casheer about a window box project at an apartment complex (don't say which one).
step 2- grind the seeds any way you can. if you are preparing them for yourself, chew them. it's easy!
step 3- soak the seeds in water for an hour, then filter out the solids and toss them.
step 4- dry the liquid by evaporation, but not by heat. this might take a long time, but what are you going to do? time's the only thing you've got!
step 5- dissolve the grime (doesn't have to be completely dry) in liquor (based on preference for type and amount) and drink it. don't use so much booze that you glue yourself down, because you want to be out walking and not tanked from vodka in like 2-3 hours.
these are not professional in any way and I do not reccomend these practices in any way. that said, you can take this otc fun to new extremes with this next stupidly dangerous and potentially fatal procedure:
step 1- get all of these items together. if you have to buy things, get it all from the same store (trust me on this)
2 bottles robitussin maximum strength cough pills dextromethorphan hydrobromide
1 pack generic allergy medicine diphenhydramine hydrochloride
nutmeg coffee (see above)
morning glory drink (see above)
1 bottle nodoz (make sure they are white pills)
1 bottle delsym dextromethorphan polistyex
booze and pot are optional based on availability, age, and preferance
step 2- soak the robitussin pills in hot water for 45 minutes in a glass. chop with scissors to cut all pills and strain, removing solids. make sure to squeeze the gelatinous mess and use a metal mesh strainer not a coffee filter.
step 3- combine the following in a very large container: delsym, robitussin pill innards, nutmeg coffee, morning glory mixed drink, crush 1 nodoz and add it.
step 4- use the "liquid satan" to wash down the allergy meds.
step 5- crush and sniff 1 nodoz
step 6- administer reefer if available and hold on to your insides while they feel like they might become outsides.
step 7- when the nausea clears, you'll be completely eft. congrats on your wild new state of mind.
this is not a suicide procedure, as you'll probably live. this is not advice of any kind. I have performed parts of "everything" to horrifying results, but never have i ever tried the whole thing. if you are young, brave, foolish, and lucky feel free to face the unknown results.
all is not as peaceful as it would seem

when I got home today, I heard loud bitching from the vents. while dooking, I placed the voice as arkron and eventually put my ear to the vent. it turns out that when I blacked out at joey's one night I had trouble entering my apartment and arkron had to open the door for me. instead of dismissing it as "just my drunk neighbor" he was complaining to his friend on the phone because I referred to him as "man". that prick is lucky he wasn't here when rick fucked up the hallway! that would put things in perspective for him.
o well, I'm not usually blacked out in the hallway and arkron is quite quiet, so he will probably get pissed about some little thing with someone else and move out, or get tired of the dark maroon walls that he apparently hates in his place. the guy's a fucking painter! if he doesn't like the wall color, FUCKING PAINT IT! he did say he was a complainer, he's probably just blowing steam to a friend.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Finally, some good news! 1. Joey's moving out. turns out he stiffed Teddy for 3 months rent and caused all types of drama. I heard this from the guy who joey convinced to move in instead (he thought it was WITH, but was proven wrong.) 2. I'm smarter than the fortune cookie people by not using words when I don't know what they mean. "you are a filial, kind and trustworthy" is what the fortune cookie said. I didn't know what filial meant, so I just looked it up. turns out it's an adjective meaning related to the son or daughter. suk mei wang, cookie company.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
silence of the fire demon

It seems to me that joey is not here. typically, I would have heard more from downstairs over the course of the weekend than some banging sounds and door opening (and closing) twice. However, it's hot as fuck. this indicates that joey has the heat on whether for his dog, himself, or what, it implies that he might be home however silent he might be. it's nice. quiet. the dark lord arkron of rhapsody fame is playing guitar, but I almost like that disjointed incomplete way he plays. why arkron? first initial R (Richard), last name Kron, hence the dark lord arkron. it's pretty obvious why obama is giving the evil eye. if you don't know, go find out.
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