Tuesday, March 31, 2009
worthless and hopeless
I broke my computer screen at work today and almost got fired because of it. I don't want to do anything. it's a warm sunny day and I don't want to go outside. don't want to play guitar. barely even want to write my blog. I see no hope of getting out of this terrible life that I've destroyed for myself. wake up, work, go home to almost nothing, sleep, repeat. this is what hell is.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
temporary substitute vodka
I was going to the liquor store too often and buying wine last week. this caused me to take last night off because I'm still having my quarter life crisis and everything is not the way that I would have it. I noticed the time at 4:39 pm today and realized that the liquor store was closing. this caused some mental conflict to which I replied "just go get the fucking ka already!" upon my arrival at the likka stoe, I was not greeted by the holy ka of the heros, but instead nikolai was there. this prompted a conversation between the clerk and myself. he had heard some different stories about why people drink different vodkas and shared these reasons with me. the chocolate banana vodka drink is now called a "banana slam" thanks to shawn. let's just hope my nannas don't go double digits tonight.
Monday, March 23, 2009
drolin temple: complete!
see the picture. I visited juli and jay today after work. they are the same as ever. I didn't realize that I was in a talking competition until just before I left. I came in second because I talk to people like they are equal. jay talked up to me, so that must mean he lost. the j word talks against people. she would change the tone of her voice when she "scored a point" by being stupider than someone else and when she brought up someone else's flaws. that must mean she won. they're both obama kool aid drinkers, so perhaps they both lost while I sat on the sidelines drinking a beer. the feral tard-child was allowed to simply walk away to do who knows what in another room. I was also informed of a variety of csi/vampire tv series and told that juli has a chance of being in one of them. same old j-word also lied about countless other things too stupid, numerous, or unbelievable to catalog here.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
strange saturday

i woke up hung over. watched barry lyndon (don't ever do that! longest and most tragic movie ever made. designed to assist in suicide attempts.) I then took my car to monroe muffler and they said "this fucker's broken!" to which I replied "Your price is affordable, so fix it." I went home to eat lunch and watch an old sabidote fuvie. at 4:45 I called because they close at 5 and found that they were almost done and I rushed there on bicycle. I wonder if they would have called me? I then dropped off the bike at home after having trouble inserting and removing it from my car. the neighbor woman had spilled her entire apartment onto the front lawn and parked her van in the center of the driveway. I sneaked in ever so carefully. by the time I got back on the road, the van was moved. I went shopping for other things, as the repairs weren't as expensive as I had planned. here's a quick list of the important items: blender, bananas, 2 gig flash drive, altoids box, burnable cds, regular food stuff. the blender, when combined with bananas, chocolate milk, and vodka, will become a danger to my health. some Kyle Newman guy replied to my craigslist ad and knows who I am. he saw me playing with alex and luis. I have some hope that this might be a good thing. overall, my saturday is very strange.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
evil in front of your children's faces
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
new video
there's a new video on my bar and youtube page called scanner spinning. this was made in the afternoon today. shawn held the camera. scanner spinning is easy once you learn it. when you're in the warehouse and bored, you can come up with some strange ways to amuse yourself.
Monday, March 16, 2009
more and more and more drolin temple
there's a picture of more work on drolin temple. the molding is cheap dowels from the illuminati super store. it's held on with omega-sheast glue. it really feels good to work on something like this. it makes my brain open and keys are unlocking creativity FUCKIN EVERYWHERE! i don't feel so dead and damned anymore. there might be something for me in this art stuff.
working on drolin temple
Saturday, March 14, 2009
total deception
the people of the world are being lied to in the worst way. they have a fake world of media shoved in their faces while in the real world, the globalist elite are increasingly succeeding in their plans. these plans include the destruction of our current monetary system which was corrupted between 1913 and 1933 by the federal reserve. these plans include eugenic goals of population reduction by 95%. they include a single world government that is run by the globalist elite based on a system of rules that they enforce on us while they obey no laws.
if you can't see the media blinds that they are working behind, it's because you are surrounded by it. a whole fake world of movies, music, games, porn, etc inside the real world that we have to live in that's being destroyed while the fake media world gets shinier and higher definition, more like a "virtual reality" that was expressed years ago where you would put on a helmet or use a computer program to be transported to a hidden world of fiction, completely separate from reality. this fake world is growing every day. a new movie expands the fictional frontiers, or a new band will add to the pseudo-soundscape. too many of us are trapped inside that world.
last night I went to see rick and logan. when I got there, rick had the tv on, they were drinking and smoking and talking about the fake world and about their friends who were wasting their lives with dwis.
this is another thing that's bothering me. another part of the fake world is the "happy pill" side of booze and reefer that even I am trapped inside. and how much of my life I have dedicated to the happy pill while the rest of my existence slowly worsens.
what do you do about this? seeing what is real and what is fake, seeing the flaws in everything around me. I can't help but want to fix something, whether it's inside or outside my life, but the fridge full of booze galls to me and the pot in my bedroom almost lights itself for me.
there can be no conclusion to this post as things are now at the current date and current state. all I have to do is stop typing.
if you can't see the media blinds that they are working behind, it's because you are surrounded by it. a whole fake world of movies, music, games, porn, etc inside the real world that we have to live in that's being destroyed while the fake media world gets shinier and higher definition, more like a "virtual reality" that was expressed years ago where you would put on a helmet or use a computer program to be transported to a hidden world of fiction, completely separate from reality. this fake world is growing every day. a new movie expands the fictional frontiers, or a new band will add to the pseudo-soundscape. too many of us are trapped inside that world.
last night I went to see rick and logan. when I got there, rick had the tv on, they were drinking and smoking and talking about the fake world and about their friends who were wasting their lives with dwis.
this is another thing that's bothering me. another part of the fake world is the "happy pill" side of booze and reefer that even I am trapped inside. and how much of my life I have dedicated to the happy pill while the rest of my existence slowly worsens.
what do you do about this? seeing what is real and what is fake, seeing the flaws in everything around me. I can't help but want to fix something, whether it's inside or outside my life, but the fridge full of booze galls to me and the pot in my bedroom almost lights itself for me.
there can be no conclusion to this post as things are now at the current date and current state. all I have to do is stop typing.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
drolin temple
that's right, drolin temple, the place to pray some dope-fu prayers of hippy lettuce to the ganja gods of pot paradise in a heaven of hemp. i'm also listening to magical symphonic melodic power speed metal from the northern areas of western europe. got my taxes back for 740 something fake dollars. used some for rent. got some good beer (saranac) and it's great. beer gods are a-ok in drolin temple, but only if they are not the gods of american piss beers and peepee pilsners. Richard, my neighbor came to my door tonight and wanted to talk about heavy shit. he told me that he was having issues because he wanted to do stuff like paint and make music and he really wants to totally get into what he wants to do. he doesn't observe this characteristic in other people that he knows, but I told him about a little bit of alex jones's material and he seemed very interested. we talked about some of the facets of human life which are controlled by media hypnotism. I have very good hopes for richard because he gets excited about his renessance man persona. imagine a scottish terrier type of dog. whereas I would be a greyhound, todd would be a bulldog as well as mike. loretta a beautiful but deadly siamese cat. heather a goldfish with flowing fins of hair glistening beautifully in the clear and unfluoridated water. heather is the most beautiful warehouse angel in the world and should be treated that way. I used to stop by and talk to her once in a while and she was pretty cool. think a young brenda. a few beers and a few kids lighter though.
Monday, March 9, 2009
graveyard pictures
here are some pictures from the larger local graveyard. this place holds special memories for me because of a past relationship. I won't go into that here. download freecorder to make mp3s of any streaming audio source. it's easy and I just did a bunch. just make sure to specify the output folder in the settings menu.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
boring saturday.
I was bored this morning, so I walked to walmart because I couldn't go to the liquor store yet. on the way home, I saw shawn and katie drive by and got a call from them to find out why the fuck I was walking at the corner of owen's road. no luck yet with the lettuce, but I saw this dead cat on my way down the road. I tried to get a picture of the old tower, but it was very muddy and wet around there and I was carrying my bag from walmart, so I didn't feel comfortable enough to get very close. the pic that I did take turned out shitty. I drove to the liquor store and burger king for lunch and when I got home, my neighbor arkron wanted me to check out his art. I obliged when I had finished eating and was rewarded with a beer. he beats the shit out of his guitar and likes to talk about how good shitty rock music is. I had a hard time not talking bad about what he likes, but he found it very easy to criticize michael angelo batio (shredmaster supreme), saying it was a carnival trick. this coming from the guy who can't play anything that you can recognize as a song. I mean it sounds like noise that you would hear from a 10 year old who just barely learned some cords. it's barely music. he knows his cords, but doesn't have any clue what rytyhm to play them in. oh well, all rock guys are the same. they love to talk shit about good guitar playing even though they suck. or maybe BECAUSE they suck!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
more pagoda work
going 3-d
I remember shawn talking about a friend who could make any 3-d sculpture item. then today after tons of caffeine, I was listening to the yoshida brothers and I wanted to be smoking opium laced cannabis with the cast of crouching tiger hidden dragon in a picturesque chinese tea pagoda. I then discussed drawing said pagoda with shawn and he approved. when I got home, my brain processed and mixed around a little bit, kindof like defragging your computer and I just got to work. I hope the pictures come out in the right order.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
after observing no censorship, GO CRAZY!!!

I've noticed that blogger doesn't care what nasty shit I say about it on it's own website. this means they don't see or care what you write. hence, I have been enjoying smoking pot. a lot. it makes a mundane night at home not feel so bad after all. not saying I'd want to be stoned all the time, but pretty much every day I want smoking time. it's not like it will physically hurt me! I even managed to stay sober for a week by smoking every night. in my opinion, there is nothing more beautiful in the whole wide world than really good cannabis. look:
Sunday, March 1, 2009
ethternal serve-itude

I just opened a keystone ice. this should tell all there is to know. for those who don't know, I'm a worthless piece of shit and have been sentenced to a term of as long as I can survive trying to drink myself to death. my blood runs black with hatred as I write this and before I apply the 2 medicines that change it from black to tye-dye. my computer just had to be brought back from the dead. it's about as effed as I am. this is hell and apparently I have answered the question in my song: torment and pain. I have earned my place among the tormented. but that doesn't mean I can't torment anyone myself, it's just that all the wrath of this fucking place is centered on me. I called my parents to tell them I couldn't make it for dinner and asshole answered. I lied and said I was sick to avoid the complications that the truth would cause. I don't think that he would reacxt very well to "I'm having a shitty day and don't want to stare at your ugly mug for 2 hours while you yell in my left ear". I've done worse. not answering thier calls at all, lying to them about whether my drug habits exist or do not, convincing them to give me money for drugs under false premises, the list goes on. i'm starting to feel better after eloquently loosing my wrath on blogger and the booze (1 1/2 beers and a shot) so I'll end this before I become too complacent to blast fire and spew forth hatred in an endless unrelenting storm.
fucking piece of shit,
hippy lettuce,
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