harr, there matey! I be an internet pirate! and this be me first blog on me neighbor's wireless network. in the days of yore, I'd pirate this network constantly and without shame. nay, tis a sense of pride here. pride in taking that which is begging to be taken, like an x on a treasure map, I followed my neighbor's pleas to log on to thier network. like a treasure chest open and gleaming with gold, I take what I want. like a barmaid hanging all over me, I rape what is given freely. the vodka's flowing cause it's new years eve and the weather's shitty. the program I'm using is called easy wifi radar and it was downloaded free off some makayama website. upon searching for images to blog, I found it for sale! for$19.95! it really is easy as you just start the program, and you're connected. it even pulls up your internet browser for you! if you have a laptop and travel with it, you want this program. it only logs on to networks that are not security enabled, that being the only flaw. if the people using the network try to block you it doesn't work, they have to shut down thier shit in order to stop you. someday, I hope to find a program to log onto secured networks... I whistfully drift off dreaming of neverending free wifi.