Thursday, December 4, 2008

don't stop drinking!

this is my third day in a row without any booze, and everyone says quitting the sauce is supposed to be good for you, but I feel worse. much worse. I drop everything that I pick up, send long txt messages to land lines, can't control my feelings of anger and despair that happen simultaneously. it's HELL! I remember just making a mixed drink if I was feeling shitty. I'd chug that, smoke a bowl and suddenly the world wouldn't hurt so bad anymore. I stopped drinking to try to control my temper because I would balance the booze with pot to make me calm, but FUCK THAT! I peeled out of every intersection on my way to work this morning and drove through a residential neighborhood at 7 am blasting entombed with my window wide open. by the way, it's december and there is snow on the ground. just had to preach the evils of no alcohol.

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