well, yesterday morning was going ok. I was feeling good listening to smooth jazz and I even threw out all the old bottles of every type. while I was doing that, there was heavy construction equipment working outside. it was loudand I was kind of wondering what was going on. meanwhile inside my brain, the voices that the doctors talked about were ramping up and gaining volume. at first I just drank my coffee and didn't worry about it. the jazz was really good and they had joel van beuren announcing. the female voice announcing what jazz was playing was a little soothing too. I said "why don't I give one of these video games a shot?" I tried a few different ones. the warcraft game was new and confusing, ok, something else. how about prince of persia 3? the prince didn't have much brain power and couldn't solve the simplest puzzle. I said "final fantasy is easy, I'll play that." I put in #10 and all of the menus went wonky and I couldn't pay attention to the cinematics. sometrhing was wrong. I thought that I had permanently damaged my brain because of 1 too many robitussins. I decided to go contact my parents because they should help me. I was totally paranoid and had given up all hope of returning to normal at this point because I couldn't play final fantasy and I couldn't play guitar. I showed up at 98 east ave. to be greeted by the dog and my dad was patient with me. I explained that my fear was that I had permanently damaged my brain because things were getting crossed and mangled and worse all the time. he took me to the hospital and they asked it was like when gollum was taken into mordor to be asked about the ring. amid my un-intelligable babble they got robitussin and that I didn't know how much I took. sauron, the doctor with the iron cross that looks like steve buscemi was very tired of me and sent me to the back room. at some poit they detached all the cables which kept me from running back and forth to the bathroom in front of all the emergency room patients. my mom got there and eventualy I came down from the drugs and they let us leave. my mom made dinner for us and my dad went to his important meeting. we walked the dog and tried to watch a movie, but I was too tired. I was walked home with the dog again and warned that bernie might call me. THAT WAS ROUGH! i don't think I'll touch anything like that again.
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