Sunday, January 18, 2009

try to pay for internet, I dare you!

it is so hard to find out how much the internet costs! I just spent 15 minutes searching for a way to pay for it and only came up with 1 price! roadrunner costs 34.95 a month. no other ISPs list a price. frontier has a vast website with not a single price in it. I just want internet, not phone and tv with it, and they don't list a price for that. also, don't try to type the numbers 2 or 0 into thier zip code search, it doesn't work. you can press 2s and 0s all day when you're clicked into that box and it won't do a damn thing! the internet went down yesterday and it made me consider getting my own instead of stealing it from "locke" but I guess I'm cursed to rely on them as long as I live here and don't have $34.95 a month to throw away. I bet I wouldn't be able to pay cash for it anyway.

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